Adjectives and Adverbs -seg
Adjectives and Adverbs

What are 20 examples of Adjectives and Adverbs

An adjective is a word applied with a noun (or a pronoun) to add something for its meaning. The adjective may be applied

  1. Attributively: when it is applied with the noun as an epithet or attribute; for instance,

There were twinkling stars in the sky.

Here, the adjective ‘twinkling’ is directly associated with the noun stars.

  • Predicatively: when it forms portion of the predicate; for instance,

The stars in the sky were twinkling.

 Here, the adjective ‘twinkling’ refers to the noun stars, but is a portion of the predicate ‘were twinkling’.

Regulation: The adjective is suitably applied with a verb while some quality of the subject, instead of of the action of the verb, is to be expressed

Incorrect: Vegetables should be cooked freshly.

Let us first understand the difference between an adjective and an adverb. An adverb informs us more about a verb. On the other hand, an adjective informs us more about a noun or pronoun. Adjectives of quality are normally changed into adverbs by adding –ly to them.

Evidently, freshly is an adverb from the adjective fresh. Thus, it should describe the verb cooked. However this does not make much sense. Your motive as follows: which is fresh? The cooking or vegetables? Common sense states us it ought to be vegetables. Vegetable in the given sentence is a noun. Hence the word illustrating should be an adjective. Therefore,

Correct: Vegetables should be cooked fresh.

Kinds of Adjectives:

  1. Adjective of Quality: Adjectives of Quality are words which tell us about the type or qualities of a person or thing being talked about. These adjectives include, soft, hard, beautiful, exceptional, kind, tall, nice etc. 

For example,

  • He is an intelligent boy.
  • India is great country.
  • Rupa is a beautiful girl.
  • Mohan is a clever boy.

Adjective of Quantity: It specifies the amount or appraised amount of the noun or pronoun in the sentence. It actually does not deliver information about exact numbers, it tells merely the amount of noun in relative or whole terms.

Adjectives of quantity exhibit how much of a thing is meant; as — enough, some, little, no, much. These adjective words reply the question “How much of it?” Notice the following sentences.

  • He provided me some money.
  • There is enough sugar in the tea.
  • Is there any water in the pot?

Any, Some: Both of them express degree or quantity. Some is applied in affirmative sentences. Any is applied in negative or interrogative sentences. But, if the question is in fact a request or a command, some is applied.

Incorrect: I shall not use some rice in recipe.

Since the sentence is negative, some must be replaced by any.

Correct: I shall not use any rice in recipe.

Little, a little, the little: Little has a negative meaning. It denotes not much or hardly any.

He has little knowledge of astrology.

For instance, the above sentence denotes that he hardly knows astrology. It is inferred that there is no sense in turning to him while it comes to astrology.

A little has a positive meaning. It denotes some, though not much.

He has a little knowledge of astrology.

The above sentence denotes though he is not thorough with astrology, he does have some understanding of the subject.

The little denotes not much, but all there is.

For instance,

The little knowledge of astrology that he has (possesses) has been gained through books.

Here we have two parts:

  1.  He does not have much knowledge of astrology.
  2. Whatever knowledge he possesses has been gained through books.

Adjective of Number: Adjectives of number denote to things that can be counted-though it is an indefinite quantity in the sentence. These are numbers as well as amounts, both cardinal numbers as well as ordinal numbers: one, thousand, first, second, fifth, etc.

For example,

He has three cars in his bungalow.

He is the first soldier from the battalion to receive the gallantry award.

Numeral adjectives are of three types:

  1. Definite Numeral Adjective: It indicates an exact number. It might be cardinal indicating how many; as, one, two, three, four etc. It may be an ordinal indicating the order, as, first, second, third, fourth etc.


There is ten kilometer distance between my home and this building.

  • Indefinite Numeral Adjective: It does not indicate an exact number;


There were many dresses scattered on the floor.

In case you raise the question how many, you do not receive an answer in accurate terms. Nevertheless, many do provide you a vague idea of the number of dresses.

Few, a few, the few: These terminologies are similar to little, a little, the little. The only difference is that ‘few’ is utilized for countable objects (it is an adjective of number) while ‘little’ is utilized for non-countable objects (it is an adjective of quantity).

  • Distributive Numeral Adjective: It denotes to each one of a number. These types of adjectives are the same as distributive pronouns. They simple differ in function. For instance,

Each time he puts on the tie wrongly.

Here each qualifies the noun ‘time’ and hence is an adjective.

Each of them narrated a cock and bull story.

Here each has come in place of a noun and hence is a pronoun.

Difference between ‘Each’ and ‘Every’:

Both of these distributive numeral adjectives are similar in meaning. Their differences lie in their application in following ways:


  1. Applied ordinarily when emphasis is not required.
  2. Applied in speaking of two or more things.
  3. Directs focus on the individuals forming any group.
  4. Applied only when the number in the group is limited as well as definite.


  1. A stronger word, it denotes ‘each without exception’.
  2. Applied only in speaking of more than two.
  3. Attention is paid on the total group.
  4. Applied when the number is indefinite.
  1. Demonstrative Adjective: A demonstrative adjective is a distinct adjective (often known as a determiner) that recognizes a noun or pronoun thru expressing its position as near or far (together with in time). The demonstrative adjectives are as follows:  ‘this,’ ‘that,’ ‘these,’ and ‘those. ‘

For example,

I have never visited that street.

The wonderful pictures of those hilly treks are yet clear in my heart.

This is my favourite recipe to cook curry.

Incorrect: These type of herbs are not found in this garden.

Here ‘These’ refers to type not herbs. Hence position of adjective makes it clear that it is denoting to type, which is singular. Hence, the correct sentence will be:

Correct: This type of herbs is not found in this garden.

Interrogative Adjective: A word that transforms a noun by asking a question is known as interrogative adjectives. Illustrations of Interrogative Adjective in Sentences: 

  • Whose shirt was that? 
  • What kind of boy you are?
  • Which colour do you like more?

    Emphasising Adjective: Emphasizing adjectives are a kind of adjective which emphasizes the noun, as the name proposes. These adjectives precisely lay stress on the noun or the subject of the sentence. They try to give some strong meaning regarding the noun.

For example,

I stick to my own words.

Exclamatory adjective: An exclamatory adjective is a word that displays emotion, so it is used by a noun. We know what a question word is, however ‘what’ is usually used to display strong emotion. So it means a word applied to show strong emotion is an Exclamatory Adjective. We make use of exclamatory adjectives in conversation.

For example,

  • What a beautiful house you have!
  • What an amazing feeling!
  • What intelligence!
  • We won the match!
  • This puzzle is driving me crazy!

What are the 3 comparisons of adjectives?

Adjectives change in form to display comparison. There are 3 degrees of comparison:

  1.  Positive degree: This degree of an adjective is the adjective in its simple form. It simply tells us of a quality of a thing but does not create any comparison.

For example,

This is a large room.

The largeness of the room is not being compared to that of any other.

  • Comparative degree: This degree of an adjective indicates a higher degree of the quality as compared to the positive, and is applied when two things are compared.

For example,

My room is larger than that of yours.

The size of two rooms is being compared here.

  •  Superlative degree: This degree of an adjective indicates the highest degree of the quality, and is applied while more than two things are compared.

For example,

This is the largest room of the palace. The size of all rooms of the palace is compared here.

Regulations for change in degree of comparison:

  1. Maximum adjectives form the comparative by adding –er as well as the superlative by adding –est to the positive.

For example,

Great (Positive) Greater (Comparative) Greatest (Superlative)

  • While the positive ends in –e, only –r as well as –st are added.

   Fine (Positive) Finer (Comparative) Finest (Superlative)

  • While the positive ends in –y, preceded by a consonant, the y is transformed into i prior adding –er and –est.

For example,

Dirty (Positive) Dirtier (Comparative) Dirtiest (Superlative)

  • While the positive is a word of one syllable plus ends in a single consonant preceded thru a short vowel, this consonant is doubled prior to adding –er and –est.
  • Adjectives of more than two syllables, plus many of those with two, make use of the adverbs more and most respectively.
DifficultMore difficultMost difficult
  • Some of the adjectives do not follow above rules. Following is a list of them:
Good, wellBetterBest
OldOlder, elder        Oldest, eldest
OutOuter, utterUttermost
NearNearerNearest, Next
LateLater, latterLatest, Last
FarFarther, furtherFarthest, furthest
  • The below mentioned comparatives are employed as positive adjectives (attributively as well as not in comparison):

Latter, former, hinder, elder, neither, outer, inner, utter, interior, ulterior, exterior, minor, major

Confusing Words Exercise

Later, latter; latest, last: Latter and last refer to position. Later and latest refer to time.

Incorrect: The later part of the book is not well written.

Correct: The latter part of the book is not well written.

Incorrect: Which is the last news?

Correct:  Which is the latest news? 

Elder, older; eldest, oldest: Elder as well as eldest is utilized of members of the same family. In addition to this, both of them are utilized only attributively (that is, prior to the noun). Older as well as oldest is utilized in the general sense.

Incorrect: I have an older sister.

Correct: I have an elder sister.

Incorrect: Santosh is the eldest employee in the office.

Correct: Santosh is the oldest employee in the office.

Farther, further; farthest, furthest: While speaking or real places and distances, we can make use either farther or further in the comparative, as well as either farthest of furthest in the superlative. In other cases, particularly with the meaning more, extra or additional, we make use of further, not farther.

Incorrect: After this he gave no farther statement.

Correct: After this he gave no further statement.

Nearest, next: Nearest indicates distance. Next indicates position.

Incorrect: This is the next shopping mall to my house.

The above sentence means that nothing comes between my house and shopping mall. This is not correct. The intention in the sentence is that the distance between my house and shopping small is the shortest one as compared with other shopping malls. Hence,

Correct: This is the nearest shopping mall to my house.

Regulation: The comparative degree is normally followed by ‘than’ but the below mentioned comparative adjectives are followed by the preposition ‘to’:

Prior, anterior, posterior, inferior, superior, senior, junior

Incorrect: Your writing skill is superior than mine.

Correct: Your writing skill is superior to mine.

Regulation: Adjectives expressing qualities which do not admit of different degrees cannot be compared.

Incorrect: Your driving is more perfect than that of mine.

In case a thing is perfect, it is complete and through all requisite qualities. Make it more or less plus it will be imperfect. Hence, there is no sense of comparison in perfection.

A few words cannot be compared: square, complete, perfect, eternal, infinite, universal, and unique. 

Regulation: In comparing two things or groups of things the comparatives ought to be used.

Incorrect: Of the two girls, she is cleverest.

Correct: Of the two girls, she is cleverer.

Regulation: In a comparison through a superlative, the latter term must include the former.

Incorrect: Rakesh is the tallest of all other students of our class.

When we say ‘all other students’, Rakesh is excluded from the group. If he is one of them, eliminate other. Thus,

Correct: Rakesh is the tallest of all students of our class.

Regulation: Similar things ought to be compared while we compare two things.

Incorrect: The air quality index of our town is better than other towns.

Please understand the comparison is made between ‘air quality index’ not towns. Hence,

Correct: The air quality index of our town is better than that of other towns.

Regulation: Double comparatives and superlatives have to be avoided.

Incorrect: The color of your shirt is more brighter than that of mine.

Correct: The color of your shirt is brighter than that of mine.

Regulation: Latter is applied while there are two only, last while there are more than two.

Incorrect: Of Sudhanshu, Ritesh and Mohan, the latter is a pilot.

Here, more than two persons are being compared. Hence, superlative degree will be used. Thus,

Correct: Of Sudhanshu, Ritesh and Mohan, the last is a pilot.

Regulation: If there is a gradual increase it is normally expressed by two comparatives and not with positives.

Incorrect: It grew cold and cold as the night passed on.

Correct: It grew colder and colder as the night passed on.


‘A, an and the’ are known as articles.

Indefinite Articles:

‘A or an’ is known as indefinite article since it leaves indefinite the individual or thing spoken of. For instance,

In this apartment, there is a flat which is not furnished at all.

In the above sentence, the writer is indefinite about the flat. He is not able to specify a particular flat. It could be any flat.

Note: The difference between ‘a’ and ‘an’ is only phonetic (of sound). Both of them serve the similar function.

Regulation: ‘An’ is employed prior to a word starting with a vowel sound.

Incorrect: You should eat a apple every day.

Correct: You should eat an apple every day.

Here, the word ‘apple’ begins with a vowel (a) sound. Hence, ‘an’ has been used.

Regulation: ‘A’ is employed prior to a word starting with a consonant sound.

Incorrect: She is an good dancer.

Correct: She is a good dancer.

Incorrect: He is an university chancellor.

By the moment, you see the vowel ‘u’ in university you are tempted to use ‘an’ before it. However, the pronunciation of the word goes like this yuniversity. It starts with ‘y’ sound which is a consonant. Hence,

Correct: He is a university chancellor.

Application of indefinite article:

In its unique numerical sense of one:

Incorrect: There are thousand grams in the kilogram.

We know that, 1000 gm = 1 kg. Hence, there are 1000 grams in a kg. In case we have to replace one with an article, it is ‘a’ not ‘the’. Thus,

Incorrect: There are thousand grams in a kilogram.

In the indefinite sense of a certain,

I saw a strange girl on fifth floor.

This means I am not specific. I do not know exactly which girl I saw.

In the sense of each, every or per

Consuming pomegranate juice a day will boost up your blood level.

Here, ‘a’ means every or per day.

An air conditioner cools your room. Here, ‘An’ means every or any air conditioner. 

Definite article Examples Sentences:

‘The’ is known as the definite article since it points out some specific person or thing.

For example,

That was the best day of my life.

The writer of the sentence is specific about the day. He identifies the day. There must have been one or more sentences before which he has mentioned this day. Actually, it is a particular day.

Application of the definite article:

While we speak of a specific person or thing, or one already referred to.

Incorrect: You are talking about a girl.

Correct: You are talking about the girl.

Here, the writer is speaking about a specific girl or already mentioned earlier.


Prior to the names of physical features in geography

The Arabian sea; the Indian Ocean; the Himalayas (mountain range).

Prior to the names of religious and mythological books

Incorrect: The preaching is there in Gita.

Correct: The preaching is there in the Gita.

Prior to common nouns which are names of things unique of their type?

The earth revolves around the sun.

Prior to a common noun to give it the meaning of an abstract noun

The angel in him forbade him from cheating her.

Prior to superlatives:

Incorrect: Supriya is most intelligent student of our class. 

Correct: Supriya is the most intelligent student of our class. 

Incorrect: Natural wind is best way to dry you.

Correct: Natural wind is the best way to dry you.

Prior to ordinals:

Incorrect: Mohan always stands first rank in the class.

Correct: Mohan always stands the first rank in the class.

Omission of the article (Ordinal numbers):

We are so much in the habit of utilizing the (or even a/an) that it turns out to be imperative to know where not to utilize them

Prior to a common noun utilized in its widest sense

Incorrect: The Physics has familiarized us about three laws of motion.

Correct: Physics has familiarized us about three laws of motion.

Prior to names of materials

Incorrect: A gold is a costly metal.

Correct: Gold is a costly metal.

  • Prior to proper nouns
  • India is a great country.
  • Prior to abstract nouns utilized in a general sense

Incorrect: The weakness is the root of a person’s failure.

Correct: Weakness is the root of a person’s failure.

 Some more rules:

Regulation: While two or more adjectives qualifying the same noun are linked by a conjunction, the article is utilized prior to the first adjective only.

Incorrect: There was a purposeful and a meaningful discussion on global warming in our batch.

Here, the same discussion is purposeful as well as meaningful. Both these adjectives (purposeful and meaningful) qualify the same noun (discussion). Hence, the article should be applied only once before the first adjective to preserve a sense of unity. Hence,

Correct: There was a purposeful and meaningful discussion on global warming in our batch.

Regulation: While two or more adjectives qualify different nouns, the article is applied prior to each adjective.

Incorrect: The cricket and football have their own fan followers.

It is evident that two games are being talked since a game cannot be cricket as well as football. In addition to this, the plural verb ‘have’ indicates that there is more than one game talked about. In case we use the article only once, it would denote that we are discussing about only one game. Hence, the article must be applied before each adjective.

Correct: The cricket and the football have their own fan followers.

Regulation: While two or more linked nouns refer to the same person or thing, the article is normally used before the first only.

Incorrect: Her father is the chairman and the managing director of the Texla group.

The application of the article two times refers two persons. Since her father holds both the posts, both chairman and managing director denote to the same person (her father). Hence, do not apply ‘the’ two times.

Incorrect: Her father is the chairman and managing director of the Texla group.

Regulation: While two or more linked nouns refer to the different persons or things, the article is applied before each.

Incorrect: The manager and assistant of Mr. Sharma were present in the party.

In case the same person was both manager and assistant, the verb must be in the singular. However, in the given sentence, we have a plural verb ‘were’. Thus, the manager and the assistant are two different individuals. Hence,

Incorrect: The manager and the assistant of Mr. Sharma were present in the party.

Regulation: In conveying a comparison if two nouns denote to the same person or thing, the article is applied before the first noun only. In case the two nouns denote to different persons or things, the article must be applied with each noun.

Incorrect: Dhoni is a better batsman than a bowler.

In case you consider the two nouns batsman and bowler as being employed for different persons, the sentence is not very flawless. It is not prudent to compare a batsman with a bowler. In case both refer to the same person, as it must, then

Correct: Dhoni is a better batsman than bowler.

This denotes that Dhoni bats better than he bowls.

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