Conjunction Online Exercise 5

Conjunction Exercises Online for Class 5

Conjunction Exercise 1:

Rewrite each of these sentences as one sentence, applying the conjunctions and’, ‘or’, ‘but. The initial one has been done for you.

  1. Sunidhi is a good girl. She speaks too much. Sunidhi is a good girl, but she speaks too much.
  2. From our family, Rahul will attend the function. I shall not.
  3. Saniya can travel by train. She can travel by air.
  4. Shailesh likes cakes. He likes biscuits.
  5. Everybody was present in the class. Shashi was absent.
  6. Preeti cooks vegetable curry very well. She does not prepare chapatti in a good shape.
  7. Anil takes fresh fruit juice every morning. He also eats boiled eggs in the breakfast.
  8. I wish I could stay here for some more time. It is time to leave.
  9. Neelima is a hard-working student. She is sincere.
  10. Tell me the whole truth. I shall take this matter up to Principal.
  11. At a time, you can either take non-veg. You can drink milk.


  1. Sunidhi is a good girl, but she speaks too much.
  2. From our family, Rahul will attend the function but I shall not.
  3. Saniya can travel by train or she can travel by air.
  4. Shailesh likes cakes and he likes biscuits.
  5. Everybody was present in the class, but Shashi was absent.
  6. Preeti cooks vegetable curry very well, but she does not prepare chapatti in a good shape.
  7. Anil takes fresh fruit juice every morning and he also eats boiled eggs in the breakfast.
  8. I wish I could stay here for some more time, but it is time to leave.
  9. Neelima is a hard-working student and she is sincere.
  10. Tell me the whole truth or I shall take this matter up to Principal.
  11. At a time, you can either take non-veg or you can drink milk.
Conjunctions Exercise 2:

Fill in the blanks thru “both, either, neither” to complete the following sentences. Make the sentence meaningful by doing this:

  1. We have _____ mango nor juicer. Hence, we could not prepare mango juice.
  2.    I like _____ the velvet and the yellow t-shirt. But I don’t have enough money to purchase two t-shirts.
  3. That’s enough! _____ you the bill or I will file a legal case against you.
  4. After our victory in the match, we were _____ happy and excited.
  5. Anita had _____ sufficient resources nor time to continue her medical degree. But she did it.
  6.  Seema is _____ sociable and kind.
  7. I have seen _____ of the children in the playground for two days.
  8. _____ you join the party or complete this project by tomorrow.
  9. _____ of us has visited Mrs Sharma, who is going to retire this month.
  10. Sonam aunty has two children and _____ look very cute.

Conjunctions Answer:

  1. Neither
  2. Both
  3. Either
  4. Both
  5. Neither
  6. Both
  7. Neither
  8.   Either
  9. Neither
  10. both

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